Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Imaging Computers with MDT 2010 and AutoCAD 2012

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2010 is a FREE product that is aimed at helping System Administrators prepare and deploy custom operating system installations (images).  I’m not going to explain MDT, WAIK or WDS here.  There are too many other sites, books, and videos that do a great job of that. I don’t need to add any more noise there.


If you have network license AutoCAD clients and a network deployment share, you already know how that can save time doing repeated installations.  You may also know how much it helps when pushing installations via SCCM 2007 (or similar products).  Maybe you’ve tried bundling AutoCAD into your operating system image process but are using Ghost or some other snapshot process and find it less than ideal.  Well, MDT not only provides an easier option, it eliminates much of the headache incurred with push installations.


For starters, MDT uses a sequential process to perform tasks (hence “task sequences”).  Rather than running entirely under an unattended SYSTEM context with no UI, it runs under a user context (typically), so most of the prerequisite tasks of the deployment work just fine (unlike trying to push with SCCM, where the .NET Framework 4, and DirectX component steps fail).  So you can run the default installation and simply add the "/W" parameter to use it with MDT 2010.



You may have better luck than I’ve had with using a “thin” image process and trying to install .NET Framework 4 as a task sequence package instead of going with a “thick” or “hybrid” client build*.  In my experience, the .NET 4 installation via MDT task sequence never works.   But you may be blessed.  My approach is to include .NET components in the base image via a reference capture.  It is crucial to have .NET 4 installed before attempting to install AutoCAD 2012 via an automated/unattended process or it will fail.

I only use network license deployments of AutoCAD when installing via SCCM or MDT.  I do not ever recommend installing standalone/individual licenses



  1. Build your AutoCAD 2012 deployment share ON the server where the MDT package will refer clients to (this works much better than building it elsewhere and then moving it and editing the deployment configuration INI files)
  2. Configure permissions on the deployment share to suit the user context of the MDT installation (if needed)
  3. Right-click the AutoCAD 2012 installation shortcut in the UNC folder (e.g. Acad2012.lnk), select Properties
    1. Copy the “Target” string contents
    2. Click Cancel to close the properties dialog form
  4. Open the MDT Workbench, expand the Deployment share, select Applications
    1. Add a new Application to the MDT workbench deployment group
    2. Option:  Application without source files or elsewhere on the network
    3. Properties:
      • Publisher: Autodesk
      • Application Name: AutoCAD
      • Version: 2012
      • Language: (leave blank unless you really want to enter it)
    4. Details:
      • Command Line: “setup.exe” (for now)
      • Working Directory: Browse to the UNC share path (do NOT choose from drive letter!) make sure to specify the AdminImage sub-folder in the path (e.g. “\\ ServerName\Acad2012\AdminImage”)
      • After created, click Finish
    5. Double-click the AutoCAD 2012 entry in MDT
      • Click the “Details” tab
      • Replace the “Quiet install command” text with the string copied in step 3/a (example below).  Be sure to replace <uncpath> with your actual UNC path.
        • Example: <uncpath>\AdminImage\setup.exe /W /qb /I <uncpath>\AdminImage\<deployment>.ini
      • Click OK
    6. Right-click the Deployment Share in MDT Workbench and select “Update Deployment Share”

Assuming the rest of your MDT deployment share is configured, and you've already generated a suitable Boot WIM and Boot ISO file set, you should now be ready to start deploying AutoCAD 2012 with your images.


1.       If you discover (like I have) that you also need to install the DirectX components ahead of the AutoCAD deployment installation, you can add the Acad2012DX.msi package I’ve posted and set a Dependency within the AutoCAD 2012 application entry so it runs the DirectX installer first.  If you do this, click “Hide this application in the Deployment Wizard” from within the MDT application properties for the Acad2012DX application item.

2.       A return code of 259 from the AutoCAD installation can be ignored.  I have not seen, heard or experienced any detrimental effects after that has occurred.

3.       Because there is NO OPTION to disable desktop shortcuts for Design Review 2012 or Inventor Fusion 2012 via the Deployment Wizard configuration, you will have to resort to some trickery if you are required to keep shortcuts OFF of the standard desktop.  My trickery is to add DEL commands to a script that wraps the main installation.

4.       If you choose to enable the network log option, keep these points in mind:

a.       The UNC path to the logs needs to have appropriate ACL and Share permissions granted to allow the remote installation context to make updates to the folder contents (log file)

b.      It tracks the entire deployment bundle, but won’t be updated on the network share until the end of the installation process.

c.  If the connection fails before the installation completes, the only trace of a partial installation will be in the client logs.

d.  The network log is cummulative.  It grows with each client installation.  You may want to back it up, rename or delete it occassionally to recover space.

5.       Why does Design Review 2012 get a “Autodesk” prefix, while Inventor Fusion 2012 does not?  Consistency is important.


*terms borrowed from Johan Arwidmark and Mikael Nystrom of TrueSec (  - geniuses on the topic of Windows deployment automation


·         MDT 2010 Update 1 with WAIK 7

·         32-bit Windows 7 client Deployment Image with .NET 4 included (sysprep’d from ref computer)

·         New install (not a refresh, upgrade or replacement)

Script Code:

Paste the following code into Notepad…


@echo off

TITLE Installing AutoCAD 2012


echo installing AutoCAD 2012...


SET XLOG=%TMP%\Adsk2012_Setup.log

echo %DATE% %TIME% installing autocad 2012 from network deployment >%XLOG%

rem ------------------------------------------------------

rem beware of word-wrapping below.  should be on one line...

rem ------------------------------------------------------

\\SERVERNAME\Acad2012\AdminImage\setup.exe /W /qb /I \\SERVERNAME\Acad2012\AdminImage\ACAD2012.ini /language en-us

rem ------------------------------------------------------

echo %DATE% %TIME% cleaning up desktop shortcuts... >>%XLOG%

del "%public%\Desktop\Autodesk Design Review 2012.lnk" /f /q

del "%public%\Desktop\Inventor Fusion 2012.lnk" /f /q

echo %DATE% %TIME% desktop shortcuts removed >>%XLOG%



Edit the code to replace SERVERNAME and other info to suit your needs.  Save the Notepad file as setup.cmd somewhere on the MDT server (e.g. E:\Apps\Scripts\Acad2012\setup.cmd)


Import into MDT 2010 deployment share:

Right-click Applications, select New Application

Select type: “Application with source files”

Specify the properties (publisher, product, version)

Select the setup.cmd file (click Browse)

Confirm, import and click Finish


Open the Application properties, copy the “Application GUID” value to the clipboard


Open Deployment Properties, click Rules tab


Add to [Default] section…


; autocad 2012 custom deployment

Applications001={paste the application GUID here}

If you already have other ApplicationsXXX entries, just insert it after the highest number and assign the next sequential number (e.g. Applications011={guid} )

Useful Links on MDT 2010:


Anonymous said...

I was hoping to use MDT to deploy Autocad LT 2012 to a handful of new workstations (and to have a standard build on hand for future use). I see in your article you don't recommend deploying a standalone license using MDT. Could you elaborate a little on why? I was under the impression the stand-alone license key was entered post-install.

skatterbrainz said...

You are correct. You can do it. It's just that it usually doesn't fit in the same scenario. By that, I mean that when most organizations are looking to automate deployments, they are dealing with hundreds or thousands of clients. When they are considering bundling an Autodesk app with the image, it's usually because they have a majority of users that need it, and therefore opt for a network license. I understand that Autodesk removed network licensing from LT (which sucks, but that's just my opinion), but you can indeed include it within your image deployments. Good feedback - thank you!

Russell said...

That's good news. I thought I might be missing something in the sea of installation and licensing notes. In a former life I worked in an enterprise IT organization. In my current life I work for a small business. While IT Manager is what it says on my business card I find myself wearing many other hats in this world with little time to devote to actually managing IT. I'm in the middle of an infrastructure upgrade project and am loving MDT. It's costing me some time upfront, but will pay dividends on "go live" day and into the future when I need rebuild a desktop or deploy a new one. So I figured "what's one more application" even though only a handful will be using it. And yes, the LT standalone license juggling act...errr.. management leaves much to be desired.

Much thanks for the great information here.

Pete said...

I have been trying to configure a deployment of Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 via MDT 2010 but keep running into the same problem.

It would appear that after Inventor has completed installing the Inventor Language Pack install is started. At this point an "Interactive Services Detection" message is displayed. However as this message is displayed in a different "user session" I cannot read the content. Clicking blindly accepts the message and the installation continues! The only information I can gather is from the event viewer that tells me the "Interactive Services Message" relates to a Visual C++ Runtime Library. I tried pre-installing "all" of the Runtimes but the error still shows up.

If I install the same deployment directly from the deployment share it all works OK.

Please can anyone help???

skatterbrainz said...

@Pete - If the standard Deployment installation works fine and doesn't stop to request input, it should work the same way in MDT because it's not really running silent but rather unattended. As long as you call the same command string that is used by the Deployment installation shortcut it should work fine.

Pete said...

I have had to change the Autodesk created shortcut from setup.exe /qb /I setup.ini /language en-us to the MDT style you documented /W /Q /I. If this is not done the setup installs only one of the pre-requisites and then stops.

skatterbrainz said...

You should only need the /W if it's running silent with no user login context (e.g. Config Manager, Altiris, etc.). I'm not familiar with the suite your are trying to deploy however. You might want to contact Autodesk Support.

Ethan said...

We used this method before to deploy AutoDesk 2011 (the full education suite) to a 32-bit machine and it worked flawlessly, but when we tried AutoDesk 2012 x64 Education Suite it on Windows 7 x64, it failed. Do you have any ideas on why? We're still trying to pre-install some components. You were very clear about 32-bit, just wondering if you already know something.

skatterbrainz said...

Other than making sure you install the 64-bit pre-reqs it should work. Keep in mind that some versions of VC++ require 32-bit and 64-bit on 64-bit clients. Go figure.

Kaizo said...

I have had great luck with Adding the '/W' parameter to the AutoCAD install.

This stops a lot of issues if you need to install other software packages other than AutoCAD, since it prevents the installer from exiting before all the spawned installers are completed.

Was having lots of issues with overlapping processes and 1618 installer errors from other installs.

Good luck in the scary, but awesome WDT2010 world.

skatterbrainz said...

I use /W with Configuration Manager deployments. I've used it since they added it a few releases back. With MDT 2010 however, most situations have a tech installing apps into the reference machine and adjusting things interactively, rather than deploying into it unattended. I'm referring to the building of a base image for provisioning (layers 0 and 1). This article isn't intended to address production deployments (layer 2 installations). In any case, I very much appreciate you taking time to read this and offer feedback. Thank you!

Kaizo said...

I'm doing automated deployments for a workstation refresh for an Engineering firm. Using LightTouch as the deployment model has been a huge time saver, but AutoCAD was eluding till I stumbled upon your article.

Appreciate the advice. Thanks for writing the article.


skatterbrainz said...

Glad to hear that! Thank you!