- It's the biggest killer in America and has been for decades
- It kills more people than all diseases combined
- It kills more than air crashes
- It kills more than homicide
- It kills people of all ages, races, religious and ethnicity; men and women alike
- The odds are you know someone killed by it
- There are No fund-raisers to address this
- There are No "race for the cure" events, no donation drives
- There are No bills before Congress or Senate to address this
- The technology to cure this has existed for decades
- We refuse to consider using it - We choose to live with this every day
- Can you guess what it is?
When you figure it out, ask yourself if humans are still the smartest creatures on this planet.
At my location, all that holds true for tuberculosis.
P.s. OT: Inspired by your recent posts, I'm right now leaving the filthy chains of workgroups and installing my first AD domain, ever.
It's very likely the first domain in the whole institution where I work.
As far as moving to Active Directory: Congratulations! In most cases, that means a much more enjoyable (and managable) environment to work with every day.
As far as TB: Wow! I'm guessing you're not in the United States? I was being myopic and shouldve used "Americans" instead of "People"
That is easy. Drunk driving.
@Anonymous - close. Very close. If nobody hits the nail on the head sooner, I will post the answer later today.
I'm in Ukraine. It's not a disaster like in Subsaharan Africa, but the incidence numbers technically qualify for an epidemic since 1995.
To atone the overstatement in the first comment: the biggest cause of death here is actually heart decease/stroke, then cirrhosis (yeah, alcohol abuse), then TB and road accidents. So it's all basically due to bad living habits.
TB is mostly prevalent in poor people, prison and sometimes hospital populations are vulnerable groups. There's no actual danger to contract it if you're a tourist.
@bausk - actually, that's not that different from U.S. mortality statistics. I can't vouch for the prison part, but the elderly/poor in the U.S. tend to fall to Pneumonia and heart failure. But all of these numbers for U.S. folks pale in comparison with the "biggest killer" I am hinting at. I think you are the first person to visit my blog from Ukraine. That's awesome! Thanks!
vehicle accidents
@Marc - Bingo!
@Anonymous did say "Drunk driving" but that was too narrow.
Vehicle accidents, more specifically: automobile accidents, are the biggest killer of Americans today. The vast majority are listed as being caused by human error. Even more interesting, statistically, is that most vehicular deaths occur in rural areas, and involve a single vehicle. Americans just can't drive for shit.
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