I know I've been a bit absent here lately. Actually, that's a logical conundrum isn't it? I can't really say I've been "absent here". That might cause a AI processor to have a freaky meltdown somewhere, then again, how the **** would I know?
I'm taking a breather.
The reasons are itemized for your methodical amusement below:
- I just wrapped up two books in a row and published them. Each of them consumed a lot of personal time (as if I had any to begin with)
- I'm just now (Monday) walking around again after getting the shit knocked out of me by a combined Flu and Bronchitis bout from mid last week
- It's cold. I hate cold weather. I hate it - hate it - hate it, with a passion. There's a reason old people move to warmer places: They acquire wisdom from living in shitty cold places and realize they should've moved much sooner.
- I digress a lot, which means I get distracted easily.
- I am trying to teach myself to read again. I bought a Kindle (which you've probably heard about already) and it won't let me go. It follows me everywhere.
- I'm becoming uber immersed in a project at work. Uber, because it means I rarely leave my seat (literally, not good for my health), and because it's also one of the most interesting, and enjoyable projects I've touched in a few years.
- I'm only just beginning to think about what to write about next. At this point I'm thinking about compiling a bunch of blog posts from the past two years relating to do-it-yourself systems automation projects and elaborating on them in more detail. Just a thought at this point. I'm open to suggestions (other than those suggesting I jump off of tall places)
Good to have you back from the flu/bronc stuff. Now you have to endure weeks of coughing your guts up and spitting up junk you apply named in a previous post. Been there.
I too HATE cold weather with a passion. 2 to 4 degrees for a low the next 2 nights in northern Arkansas. Hard to dress warm enough.
Can't read any of you books as I don't own a Kindle, but been looking at the Nook versus the Kindle. Hard to get wrapped around the idea of a book without paper. Your idea of a "cookbook" of past posts sounds very interesting.
Thanks Randy. It's 34F and drizzly rain all day today and all night. This is worse than ice or snow. Just a runny snot from a gray blanket and no sunshine. Bleck!
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