Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Survey Time: Choose Your Next Book Topic

Looking over the sales figures for the books I have posted on Amazon, it's difficult to determine what I should focus on going forward.  The best-selling book, by far, is The Visual LISP Developer's Bible, 2011 Edition.  The problem with this however, is that I haven't had the opportunity to work with Visual LISP since 2011.  My career path has taken me away from that type of work (AutoCAD customization), so I don't feel that I can do it justice anymore.  And besides, as I've said (or hinted at) many times before: Autodesk doesn't seem to demonstrate a strong desire to promote that language over the likes of ObjectARX and .NET.  I could be wrong.  I have been wrong before (I think).

So, I need a little help from you, if I may ask?  I'd like to know what you think I should focus on for my next, and future books.  Or let me know if I should find another hobby.

The power is in your hands.  Use it wisely...

Take the Survey here:


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