So, this morning, after six or seven hours of light snowfall, the city public schools announced they would be closed today. On the city's Facebook page, they responded to comments and complaints about various decisions the city also announced (the "city" and the public school systems are independent of each other in almost every aspect):
- Schools closed - Half the people are happy. Half are pissed off.
- Circuit Courts, Juvenile Courts closed - Most are pissed off
- City operations departments open for business as usual, no delays - about half are happy, the other half are pissed off
The roads are clear. Clear as a normal rainy day. The snow has only stuck to the the lawn areas, tree limbs (barely), and vehicles. The roads are in great shape. Which brings me to another point:
- Everyone mocks the school system - until they have a special needs child that needs special services
- Everyone mocks doctors - until they, or a close friend, learn they have Cancer
- Everyone mocks the police - until they've had a break-in or a friend shot by someone else
- Everyone mocks the city public works people - until their pipes break at 3:00 AM
- Everyone mocks plumbers - until they need a pipe fixed under their house
- Everyone mocks garbage collectors - except for the first pick-up after Thanksgiving
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