Friday, October 1, 2010

Let’s play “Guess WTF?”!

Why would I set this network to use the following User Account Control (UAC) configuration?  What are two good reasons for doing this?


If nobody guesses or makes crude comments and tasteless jokes, then I will have to step in and take care of the dirty work myself.  Hey, it is Friday after all.


skatterbrainz said...

1) It provides the best security and protection against malicious attacks and stupid mistakes.

2) It provides a constant "Run As" for everything you do that requires elevated rights.

werddrew said...

So this isn't DIRECTLY related to this post, but I just wanted you to know that I just found your blog and have spent the last two hours scrolling through your post on AD administration. I'm a novice administrator of a 200-person network with a 2008 R2 server and desperate for "real world" ideas to improve the security and functionality of the network. So posts like your "automating administrator password changes" are awesome. You're officially on my "check often" list of blogs now. I especially liked the "knowing when you have a broken IT environment" checklist from the old "david m stein's blog" page.

Thanks for the tips! Maybe that can be a subject of a post. Twenty things every Server admin had better have done right. :)


skatterbrainz said...

Wow Drew! That's the nicest comment anyone's posted that I can recall. That made my day!