Thursday, July 1, 2010

Most Vision Statements are Written by Stevie Wonder

If your company vision or mission statement is longer than one sentence: start over!

They should be as brief as a Chinese fortune cookie statement. I'm so tired of all the pompous, circle-jerking verbose crap being shoved into the faces of web site visitors. The stupid and meaningless MBA-babble that amounts to less-than-air. The usual "to persevere to endeavor to meet or exceed the expectations of our valued customers" blah blah blah.

If you're having writer's block, here's some mission statement suggestions:

"To kick ass, make money, and crush the competition"

"To get, and stay rich"

"To keep customers happy"

"Give them what they want"

"Great products. Great service."

You get the idea. Now, get to work.

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