Friday, August 22, 2008

Script: Backup Event Log (version 2.0)

After a few emails, I went back and revised the code I posted last night to make it a little cleaner and easier to follow. I hope this helps...

Option Explicit


' Filename..: event_backups2.vbs

' Author....: David Stein

' Date......: 08/21/08

' Purpose...: backup and clear security event log on local or remote computer

' Notes.....: Set TESTMODE to TRUE to disable real execution and run

' this script in simulation mode only.

' Set DEBUGMODE to TRUE to enable verbose processing output

' during execution (helpful for log capturing also)



' modify to suit needs



' # name of computer to run against (wrap in dbl quotes)

' # enter a period "." to denote local computer


Const strComputer = "."


' # name of event log to backup and clear

' # "Security", "System", "Application", etc.


Const eventLog = "Security"


' # local backup folder location


Const bkFolderPath = "c:\scripts\test\"


' # enable or disable remote archival of backup file

' # set to True or False only


Const doRemoteArchive = True


' # remote storage path (if remote archive is enabled)


Const rmtFolderPath = "\\MYSERVER\BACKUPS\LOGS\"


' # naming format for remote archive file


Const archiveNameFormat = "#COMPUTER#_#LOGNAME#_#YYYY#_#MM#_#DD#.evt"


' # toggle DEBUG and TEST modes (set True or False only)


Const debugMode = True

Const testMode = True


' Do NOT modify anything below this point !!!


Dim sDateStamp, bkFileName, sBackupFilePath, logFileName

Dim objWshNet, sUserName, sCompName, sDomain

Dim objFSO, objWMIService, colLogFiles, errBackupLog, objLogFile

Dim rmtLogPath, logCount


' # function to pad a string with specified character

' # until it reaches a specified length (either Left or

' # Right end of original string value)


Function PadString(strVal, strChar, iLen, sEnd)

Dim retval

retval = Trim(strVal)

Do While Len(retval) < iLen

If sEnd = "L" Then

retval = strChar & retval


retval = retval & strChar

End If


PadString = retval

End Function


' # sub for verbose output when debugmode is enabled


Sub DebugPrint(cat, s)

If debugMode = True Then

wscript.echo Now & vbTab & cat & vbTab & s

End If

End Sub


' # begin code stuff


Set objWshNet = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

sDomain = objWshNet.UserDomain

sCompName = objWshNet.ComputerName

sUserName = objWshNet.UserName


' #: expand logfile name using variable values


logFileName = Replace(archiveNameFormat, "#COMPUTER#", Ucase(sCompName))

logFileName = Replace(logFileName, "#LOGNAME#", Ucase(eventLog))

logFileName = Replace(logFileName, "#YYYY#", Year(Now))

logFileName = Replace(logFileName, "#MM#", PadString(Month(Now), "0", 2, "L"))

logFileName = Replace(logFileName, "#DD#", PadString(Day(Now), "0", 2, "L"))

sBackupFilePath = bkFolderPath & logFileName

debugprint "info",


If testMode = True Then

debugprint "info", "test-mode has been Enabled"

End If

debugprint "info", "eventlog is " & eventLog

debugprint "info", "domain is " & sDomain

debugprint "info", "computername is " & sCompName

debugprint "info", "username is " & sUserName

debugprint "info", "backup filename is " & sBackupFilePath

If doRemoteArchive = True Then

debugprint "info", "remote-archival is Enabled"

debugprint "info", "remote-archival-path is " & rmtFolderPath

End If

Set objFSO = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

debugprint "info", "checking for existing backup file..."

If objFSO.FileExists(sBackupFilePath) Then

debugprint "info", "backup file already exists (skipping backup)"


debugprint "info", "no existing backup found, running new backup..."

On Error Resume Next

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _

& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

If err.Number <> 0 Then

debugprint "error", "unable to invoke wmi interface (aborting)"


End If

debugprint "info", "querying event log collections on host..."

Set colLogFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery _

("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName='" & eventLog & "'")


' # check if array is empty / usually caused by lack of permissions


If IsNull(colLogFiles) Or IsEmpty(colLogFiles) Then

debugprint "error", "unable to retrieve event log collection information



End If

logCount = 0

For Each objLogfile in colLogFiles

logCount = logCount + 1

If testMode = False Then

debugprint "info", "backing up event log..."

errBackupLog = objLogFile.BackupEventLog(sBackupFilePath)

debugprint "info", "event log backup completed"


debugprint "info", "test-mode: backup would be run here"

errBackupLog = 0

End If

If errBackupLog <> 0 Then

debugprint "error", "the [" & eventLog & "] event log could not be backed up"

debugprint "info", "event log will not be cleared"


If testMode = False Then

debugprint "info", "clearing the " & eventLog & " event log..."



debugprint "info", "test-mode: event-log-clearing would be run here"

End If

If doRemoteArchive = True Then

debugprint "info", "remote archival option has been enabled"

If objFSO.FolderExists(rmtFolderPath) Then

If testMode = False Then

debugprint "info", "remote folder path has been verified, archiving backup


objFSO.CopyFile sBackupFilePath, rmtLogPath

If err.Number <> 0 Then

debugprint "error", "failed to upload copy to archive folder on remote location"


debugprint "info", "backup file was successfully archived to " & rmtLogPath

End If


debugprint "info", "test-mode: remote archive upload would be run here"

End If


debugprint "error", "unable to locate remote archival folder path " &


End If

End If

End If


If logCount = 0 Then

debugprint "error", "unable to access log collections, may imply security access

failure under current context"

End If

End If

debugprint "info", "processing has been completed"

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