Friday, March 18, 2011

Why I was Wrong: Part 2b

So, I already mentioned that I had made a foolish decision to chase the scripting path for deploying an Office 2010 upgrade to our 2007 users (as well as being part of our SCCM OSD task sequence for imaging new machines).  Rather than describe the steps in nausiating detail, since there's already a bunch of articles, blogposts, wikis and whatnots out there that do that just fine, I will summarize by saying that all you need are:

  1. A shared folder with the Office 2010 installation source
  2. A custom .MSP from the Office 2010 Customization Toolkit (setup.exe /admin)
  3. A custom config.xml (or whatever you want to name it)
  4. A cup of strong coffee, and some headphones, and a huge grin on your face

Then the package program simply does the following…

setup.exe /adminfile custom.MSP /config config.xml


Make sure you follow some standard best practices for customizing the MSP from OCT, like turning off the prompt for updates at the end or first-launch of an Office app.  The default option is to remove previous versions.  But be sure to set the config.xml to properly hide the progress, disable the completion notice and suppress modality.  Then you're good.  I'm good.  We're all good.  Let's drink something good now.  Cheers!

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