Monday. Bleary-eyed. Tired. In desperate need of coffee. I am glad for one thing however: I had no dog in yesterday's fight. Being from Virginia, we have NO professional sports franchises whatsoever. No baseball, football, soccer, hockey, basketball, not even Jai Lai. Ohio on the other hand has eight (8), yes, EIGHT, professional sports franchises. Even Missouri, St. Louis to be precise, has two (2). Compare the demographics and population figures between each of these states and it just seems odd. I've heard all the rationale, explanations, theories, etc. But it still is odd, no matter how you slice it.
Some folks here claim the Washington Redskins as their "Virginia team", but that's as disingenuous as calling the New York Giants a real New York team (the Meadowlands stadium sits in New Jersey). The Redskins play in Maryland, which also has the Baltimore Ravens, and the Orioles, among their list of professional franchises.
So yesterday we had the Steelers and the Packers. Two teams from places with nothing much left behind from their namesake industries, yet they marched onward and into the record books. Today is just another Monday for me. Bleary-eyed. Tired. And in desperate need of coffee.
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