I've submitted most of these to Amazon's Kindle Wishlist forum, but I figured I'd post them here also. Mainly because I'm bored.
I love my Kindle. I really do. It's a game changer for me. I read more now than I have in years. Actually, more than I've read in decades. It's just so convenient. But if I could wave a magic wand and change it, here's what I would do:
- Move the page buttons closer to the top of the device so I don't keep pressing them by accident when handling it.
- Add an accelerometer to enable auto-rotation (like most cell phones)
- Keep the e-Ink display, but make it faster
- Add touch-screen features with a larger screen area (eliminate the key pad)
- Add more screen-savers
- Allow saving word look-ups to a custom dictionary list
- Add book ratings directly from the "menu" list, so I can vote on a book using a standard 5-star range.
- Ditch the browser. Add a dedicated wi-fi connection form
- Add physical MP3 playback control buttons
- Add EPUB support
- Make blog subscriptions "free"
- Provide at least one "free" newspaper subscription
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