Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Basic Basic Scripting Basics (Very Very Basic Basics)

This is BAD:
If X > 5 Then something...
End If

If X < 5 Then something...
End If

If X = 5 Then something...
End If

This is BETTER:

If X > 5 Then something...
ElseIF X < 5 Then something...
Else something...
End If

This is BAD:

If X = 1 Then something...
End If

If X = 2 Then something...
End If

If X = 3 Then something...
End If

This is BETTER:

Select Case X
Case 1: something...
Case 2: something...
Case 3: something...
Case Else: nothing...
End Select

Implicit TRUE expressions:

If AllowedSubnet(ipAddress) Then something...
End If

Is the SAME THING as…

If AllowedSubnet(ipAddress) = True Then something...
End If

Implicit/Default Properties:

Dept = objRecordSet(“department”)

Is the SAME THING as…

Dept = objRecordSet.Fields(“department”)

Is the SAME THING as…

Dept = objRecordSet(“department”).Value

Is the SAME THING as…

Dept = objRecordSet.Fields(“department”).Value

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