Monday, September 14, 2009

Watering the Iron Lawn?

So I stepped into what I discovered was a sink-hole in my front yard.  Right next to the water meter access lid.  Apparently, after five days of torrential rainfall, this was a common result, as I learned from talking to the Public Utilities folks of our city.  They said they would send someone right over, which they did.  When I got home from work today, I drove up to find the results of their work.  They dug up the meter and installed a new one and filled in the area around it with dirt and tossed the usual Grade “D” grass seed all over the spot.  I got a chuckle out of this and had to snap a photo.  I swear, this is exactly as they left it.  Nothing has been touched after they “touched” it.

Stuff 127

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