Friday, September 4, 2009

The Inverse Logic of Professionalism

Raise your hand if you’ve heard the following rationale at least once:

“The reason teachers aren’t paid twice as much as they are is to reinforce an environment where only those that really *want* to teach will consider it.”

What if we applied that same logic to professional sports?  Politics?  How about your company?

So, if we used that same logic, those of us working in a machine shop would make more (potentially) than those of us wearing suits and ties.  Let’s face it, one job endures more physical stress and risk to health than the other.  One requires years of rigorous mental and physical experience to perfect their craft, while the other really focuses on the mental side, not the physical side.  Yet the latter of these earns double, even triple, of the other.

Is being an engineer more “valueable” to society than being a machinist or plumber?  Does the wunderkind concept get built without either of these two “sides” being heavily involved?  No.  Are both sides candidates for replacement via automation?  Absolutely.  So, what makes the engineer worth more than the technician who constructs and maintains the vision of the engineer?

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