Thursday, September 17, 2009

ASP/PHP: Make a List of U.S. State Abbreviations

I’ll be digging through my old projects to find anything interesting enough to bore you to absolute death (or gouge your own eyes out with a fork in order to stop that burning feeling experienced from looking at shlock like this).  Here’s an example for populating an HTML [select] form object list (aka “listbox” or “drop-down list”, etc.) with 2-character abbreviations for U.S. states.  Enjoy…

PHP version:

function StateCodes($default) {
$delim = ',';
$tok = strtok($clist, $delim);
while ($tok != false) {
if ($default == $tok) {
echo "\n";
else {
echo "\n";
$tok = strtok($delim);

ASP version:

Sub StatesList(default)
Dim lst, x
lst = "AL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,DC,FL," & _
If default = "" Then
Response.Write "" & vbCRLF
End If
For each x in Split(lst, ",")
If Ucase(x) = Ucase(default) Then
Response.Write "" & vbCRLF
Response.Write "" & vbCRLF
End If
End Sub

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