But then today there's news that "More kids went hungry in 2007" than in previous years. WTF?
I'm confused. Which is it? Are we obese or starving? Too much food or too little? We have a nutritional imbalance and something needs to be done about it. Forget the economy. Forget terrorism. Forget bailing out little car factories and airlines. The time has come to start up the trucks and start moving the food from where there's too much, to where there's not enough. Change we can believe in: Changing the location of food. We obviously have enough for everyone. The problem is distribution and allocation. Logistics is the answer.
Yes, I'm poking fun. Relax.
1 comment:
Your missing the point here, it is the ultimate make everyone happy, Fat people can see the starving people, and be happy that they are not starving, and the starving people can look at the fat people and be happy that they are not obese and can move around a do stuff without having a heart attack, and average people can watch and be happy that they are not either...
It is all a matter of perspective....
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