Thursday, October 9, 2008

Kids ask the toughest questions

Ever had a teen ask you to explain things like our (U.S.) political system?  Our economic systems?  The role of the central banks or Fed Reserve?  How about the electoral college?  Oh boy.

Just when you think you can tell yourself we live in a "democracy", or that there are "three" branches of our government, you just can't step into the water anymore without dunking your head under and looking for jellyfish.  Heck, we don't even know if we still have 9 planets in our solar system anymore.  WTF?

Oh yeah, and the whole concept of a "free market" system fell apart after I got cornered into explaining the various powers of the federal government to insert themselves into various processes and systems.  Oh boy again.

I ended up sitting down to try to sum it up differently, to myself:  A quasi socialist-democratic-nationalist-oligarchy, formed by four main branches: judicial, legislative, executive and financial.  That's right, financial.  The Fed and the new boards that surround them have as much power to control our society as any other part of our "official" government, even though it's been said hundreds of times that the FRB is unconstitutional in form and power.  I need a beer.  I wish they would hire Brian Regan or Jim Carey to do the evening news.

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